Register today for PA State Council of SHRM’s Legislative & Legal Conference.
The Pennsylvania State Council of SHRM, Inc. will hold its 13th Annual Legislative & Legal Conference on Friday, April 19, 2013 at the Harrisburg Hilton. Join us for an educational day of state and federal employment law updates as well as great networking opportunities. With a focus on the IMPACT OF THE 2012 ELECTION, we are pleased to offer a total of five programs for this year’s full-day conference. The presenters for the three morning sessions will be Lynn Outwater Esq., SPHR of Jackson Lewis, LLP, Michael Layman and Nancy Hammer, Esq. of SHRM. Presenting for our afternoon sessions will be Glenn Spencer of U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Alex Halper of Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce and Jonathan A. Segal, Esq. of Duane Morris LLP. Topics will include:
Employment Law Update
Public Policy Update
HR Regulatory and Judicial Outlook for the Obama Administration
Labor Initiative in Pennsylvania
State Law Trends in General and Pending Legislation in Pennsylvania In Particular
CLE and HR Certification Institute credits pending approval.
REGISTER BY MARCH 23 TO RECEIVE A DISCOUNT! For registration, please go to: Please direct your questions to Deborah Margulies at
Join us for the pre-conference Reception on Thursday, April 18, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
We hope to see you there!
This is an advertisement on behalf of the Pennsylvania State Council of SHRM, Inc.
1800 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
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